Divorce Lawyers for Women in Oakland County,MI

Dedicated and Trustworthy Divorce Attorneys Fighting for Women’s Futures

A distressed woman next to her husband.It is common for women to remain in unhappy marriages for years due to worries about their children’s well-being and their own financial and emotional stability as single women. Leaving a marriage, even an unhappy one, is a scary prospect. That is why it is important to have the support of a dedicated divorce lawyer who can guide you through the process and protect your rights.

At WSM, our divorce lawyers exclusively represent women. Our goal is for you to have the support you need to feel confident in your life after divorce. We will help you navigate all of the important decisions relating to your divorce such as child custody, property division, and child support, so that you can transition into a bright future.

We are proud of our approach to the attorney-client relationship, which is built on trust and empathy. We will ensure that your voice is heard and that you are kept informed and engaged at every stage.

Every attorney at our law firm has skills in both negotiation and litigation. Regardless of what direction your case takes or its complexity, we have the tools to help.

To arrange a free consultation with an experienced divorce attorney in Oakland County, contact WSM today at 380-212-3731.

Property Division in Oakland County, MI

If you have been married to your spouse for a long time, then dividing your property will be complex. How your property is divided will impact you for many years to come, and so it is essential that your right to an equitable division of marital property is upheld. Your attorney from WSM will make sure that happens.

The first thing that your attorney will help you to do is figure out what separate assets you own. Separate property is any assets you owned before you were married or anything that was gifted or inherited to you at any time. Your separate property belongs to you and will not be divided upon divorce.

The next step is to assess what marital property you and your spouse own. Marital property is all assets that either spouse acquired while they were married, including bank accounts, debts, real estate, investments, retirement accounts, and more. Michigan is an equitable distribution state which means that marital property must be divided in a just and fair way.

Your attorney will help ensure that you receive a just and fair division of property and that important considerations are taken into account, including:

High-Asset Divorce

A high-asset divorce is one that involves significant assets involved, such as multiple properties, high-value investments or retirement accounts, or self-owned businesses. These cases are highly complex and require the help of an attorney with this niche experience.

High-asset divorce cases may also involve child support payments that exceed legal guidelines, which may be necessary to help meet your child’s additional needs, such as private education.

WSM can provide you with the representation you need to obtain a just outcome in a high-asset divorce, one which protects your rights and supports your future.

Spousal Support Payments in Oakland County, MI

A pile of money under a calculator.In Michigan, spousal support is only awarded in limited circumstances and usually as a temporary order. Spousal support could be awarded for a limited time, which could start during the divorce process or after the divorce has been finalized. When this happens, it is to ensure that the receiving spouse can maintain a standard of living and has the opportunity to undergo training or find employment and become financially independent.

There are also times when a permanent spousal support order could be issued in Michigan. However, this is reserved for cases where a couple is separating after a long marriage, and the receiving spouse is not able to become financially independent due to old age, disability, or poor health.

We have worked with numerous women who sacrificed career opportunities to care for their children and are left concerned about how they will manage after divorce. Your sacrifices should be considered, and you should not be left in financial hardship for leaving your marriage. If you are owed spousal support, then our attorneys will advocate on your behalf and fight for an agreement that gives you the opportunity to become financially independent.

Physical and Legal Custody in Oakland County, MI

In Michigan, parents may be granted legal custody and physical custody. If a parent is granted legal custody, it means that they have the right to make important decisions on their child’s behalf, such as those that involve education, medical care, and religious practices. Legal custody could be given to one parent, or if a joint legal custody arrangement is put in place, then parents will need to work together to make decisions on their child’s behalf.

If a parent is granted physical custody, it means that they have the right to spend time with their child as their primary caregiver. Physical custody could be shared equally, which means that parents would spend equal time with their children. However, it is also common for one parent to become the custodial parent, while the noncustodial parent is granted visitation rights. This could be a more practical arrangement when considering both parents’ work schedules and the childs school and social life.

How Are Custody Decisions Made?

In accordance with Michigan law, all family law matters must be decided based on the best interests of children. That usually means finding a balance between prioritizing stability in a child’s life and protecting strong relationships with both parents.

When determining what is in a child’s best interests, important considerations include:

  • The child’s access to their community, such as family members and friends.
  • Maintaining stability in a child’s life.
  • The child’s wishes.
  • The wishes of both parents.
  • How involved each parent has been in the child’s life up until now.
  • Each parent’s ability to meet their child’s ongoing needs.
  • Potential harm to the child’s well-being from either parent.

At WSM, we will help you and your former spouse negotiate a parenting plan that prioritizes the best interests of your children while considering your needs. If this is not possible, then we will also be prepared to present your case to a Judge.

Usually, both parents will retain the right to spend time with their child. The only reason why a sole custody arrangement would be approved by a Judge is if one parent poses a risk to their child’s well-being. For example, if the other parent has been abusive or neglectful, then it may be in the child’s best interests for them not to have a relationship. If this is the case, then your attorney can help you evidence your claims and will ensure that the Judge considers them when making decisions regarding your children.

Child Support Payments in Oakland County, MI

A mom hugging her son and daughter.Parents have a right to spend time with their children, and they also have a responsibility to provide for them financially. If you are the custodial parent for your children, then it is likely that you will be owed child support.

Child support will help the custodial parent meet their child’s daily needs, such as food, shelter, and toys. The amount of child support that will be ordered is usually based on state guidelines which take into account monthly gross income, the parenting schedule, and how many children there are.

High Conflict Divorce in Oakland County, MI

A high-conflict divorce is usually a result of abusive patterns that exist in the marriage. If you suffered emotional, physical, or sexual abuse from your spouse, then divorcing them is likely to be incredibly difficult. Thanks to our dedication to women, we have created a space where they feel supported to share their experiences. If your divorce involves domestic violence or is likely to involve a lot of conflict, then we can help protect you.

If necessary, we will file for a protection order which will keep your spouse away from you while your divorce is finalized. We will ensure that your spouse cannot manipulate the situation and that boundaries are put in place that will give you the space you need to make decisions from a place of clarity.

We will also help you evidence your experiences to a Judge so that they are considered in every decision. Our high-conflict divorce attorneys have the experience and resources necessary to support you.

Oakland County Divorce Lawyer for Women FAQ

Although you can divorce without an attorney, it isn’t recommended. The terms of your divorce decree will have a huge impact on your future and so it is important that your rights are protected. An attorney will help ensure that your needs are considered at every stage so that you can create a stable future.

Michigan has a six-month waiting period for divorce, which means that your divorce will take at least six months from filing. However, if you have children or there are contested issues then it could take longer. At WSM, we will help you to keep your case moving forward while ensuring that your rights are protected at every stage.

Divorcing couples often need guidance on key issues while they wait for their divorce to be finalized. Either party can request temporary orders, which could provide guidance on things such as parenting time, who remains in the family home, and how bills are paid. The Judge may also issue temporary orders independently.

Temporary orders are usually in place until the divorce is finalized. Although they are not permanent, they should be taken seriously as their outcome could influence final judgments.

Separate maintenance, which is referred to as legal separation in some other states, allows a couple to separate without divorcing. If you decide on separate maintenance, you can still seek court orders on key issues such as child custody but can reconcile with your partner at any time. Some people choose this option for religious reasons, to maintain insurance benefits, or because they hope to reconcile with their spouse one day.

It is important that you understand all of the implications of separate maintenance, and you should seek a consultation before making a decision. At WSM our attorneys can guide you through separate maintenance if it is right for you.

No. Michigan is a no-fault state, which means that you cannot make accusations in the initial filing. However, you can raise issues such as a history of abuse at a later date in the proceedings.

You can file for a modification to your divorce decree if both spouses agree to the change and it is in the best interests of children. If you and your spouse do not agree, then you can still file for a modification if there has been a substantial and material change in circumstances, such as job loss or changing needs of the child.

Our law firm provides legal assistance to women in all family law matters, including post-divorce issues such as modification and contempt proceedings. Contact us for a no-cost consultation today and gain clarity on your next steps.

A divorce’s complexity and the number of contested issues will determine its cost. In your free consultation, we can help advise you so that you can make an informed choice.

Many law firms offer a free consultation so you can speak with them and find out if they are a good fit for your case. The best attorneys will be dedicated to family law and will have experience helping people through similar issues to you. You should ask about their experience and availability. You should also ask to see testimonials from their previous clients.

Child support payments stop when a child turns 18 or until they finish secondary education (up until 19.5 years old). However, if your child is unable to become financially independent due to mental or physical incapacity, then child support may need to be paid until the court orders otherwise.

Speak to a Family Law Attorney Committed to Women’s Needs Today

At WSM, we represent clients across Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. We represent women exclusively, giving us a unique ability to meet their needs and guide them toward a bright future.

We will help you negotiate terms that support your needs. If this is not possible, then we will present your case to a Judge and litigate on your behalf.

Our divorce lawyers have the tools to handle even the most complex cases such as those involving conflict, abuse, complex custody arrangements, or high assets. We will empower you with knowledge of your rights and will guide you at every stage.

With WSM Divorce Lawyers for Women on your side, you can have confidence that you’re getting the best possible legal representation during this difficult time.Contact our law office at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation with one of our family law attorneys.

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