If you’re ready to file for divorce in Ohio, Indiana, or Texas you need an experienced advocate to guide you through the process and help you get the successful outcome you deserve. At WSM, we prioritize women and their interests, offering dedicated support to help mothers safeguard their rights and futures. From navigating legal complexities to offering emotional assistance, we are committed to ensuring you feel empowered and supported throughout the entire process.
Our mission is to guide, support, and fight for women at all stages of divorce.
At WSM, you will find women’s divorce lawyers who can help you achieve the best results for your case. Our divorce attorneys for women focus on helping you fight for your rights during the divorce process. We understand the emotional aspect of divorce and can assist you in reducing stress for you and your family. As you transition into the next phase in your life, our family law attorneys are here to ensure you get everything you deserve.
Retaining a divorce lawyer who concentrates on women’s rights will ensure you have someone by your side who understands the divorce process and can help you navigate your case. We’re ready to answer your questions and help you get the results you want. Whether you need child custody lawyers or high-asset divorce lawyers, you will get the assistance required to help you get what you deserve. Our divorce attorneys won’t let you feel intimidated or overwhelmed.
We can serve as your child custody attorneys or general divorce lawyer to look after your best interests. It can be challenging to convince the court to give you what’s rightfully yours in the divorce, which is why our divorce attorneys work with you and fight for your rights. We want you to feel confident the judge will consider your best interests and the interests of your children. We have offices in Ohio, Indiana, and Texas; our divorce lawyers provide representation for women wherever we can.
Interview more than one attorney. For many women, a divorce is likely your first, only, and most emotionally-draining interaction with the legal system. It is important you pick someone you trust, someone you are comfortable speaking to about your life, someone who is responsive, someone who knows the law, and someone who understands the logistics of court proceedings. A good divorce attorney should be able to explain the divorce process to you in an empathetic, knowledgeable way, and also give you an estimated timeline of how the case will proceed as well as how much each stage will cost.
Women are different than men. Women’s goals in a divorce can be different than the goals that men have. Often times, the inertia of the legal system can minimize or trivialize goals that a wife or mother has for her future, which are far more important to her than what the court and lawyers are focused on. By representing exclusively women, WSM attorneys know what is important to our clients and how to convey the importance of these issues to the court, Guardian ad Litem, and even opposing counsel.
Yes! The dissolution of a marriage, even if amicable, is complicated. Imagine dissolving a business partnership: even if the partners are in agreement, they wouldn’t try to draft the dissolution documents themselves. A marriage is a partnership. Dissolving the marriage requires division of equity in a home, cash and retirement assets, vehicle title transfers, and your children’s schedules. Making sure this divorce contract is drafted properly ensures that everyone is getting what they are trying to agree to and ensures that the agreement is enforceable. While you may agree and be amicable now, who knows what can happen in the future. You want to make sure your decree is sound.
Yes! Custody orders are always modifiable. The law acknowledges that circumstances change and your custody order or shared parenting plan may need to be modified. To that end, the barrier to re-entry is a change in circumstances. If you want to modify your order, you need to demonstrate a change in circumstances that makes your current plan no longer in your children’s best interests.
Courts are required to identify, value, and divide all marital assets and debts. If an asset or debt is acquired during the marriage, it is typically a marital asset/debt subject to division. The court’s goal is to get to a 50/50 division of assets. This can be accomplished either by dividing the assets in such a way that each party ends up with half the assets or, if one party has more than half the assets, that party would owe the other party an equalization payment. The division of assets and equalization payments sound daunting, but are generally straight forward and you should certainly call one of our attorneys to ask about how this applies to your case.
We believe our reviews speak for themselves. We go above and beyond to serve our clients. We understand that your life is being turned upside down. We are always a phone call away and one of our primary goals is for you to be assured that we have the legal side of the break up of your marriage is completely covered and one less thing you need to be concerned about.
Sarah Lilly was the first associate attorney we hired. She took a pay cut to come work for us. Back then we were in a shoebox of a space and Sarah had to share an office with Katie. She took a risk on us because she saw what WSM would become. She believed in what WSM stood for. She was a brilliant attorney and a ray of light and strength. WSM is what it is today because Sarah believed in it.
When Sarah was in law school, she was involved with the University of Miami Law School’s HOPE Public Interest Research Center. HOPE’s mission is to create lasting systems which effectuate equal access to justice. HOPE provides merit-based scholarships to students who take public interest summer jobs in furtherance of its mission.
In honor of Sarah and her passion for equal justice, WSM Law has partnered with HOPE to fund the “Lilly Fellowship” for equal justice. Each year, WSM will fund two HOPE applicants who express specific interest in women’s rights, domestic violence, juvenile justice, or other issues in line with both WSM and HOPE’s mission.
In addition to the Lilly Fellowship, HOPE provides fellowships to numerous other students each year as well. The more donations HOPE receives, the more fellowships it can award. If you would like to join us in supporting this cause, here’s how you can contribute:
Please click the “DONATE” button. On the donation page, enter “Lilly Fellowship” under the Name field, select “Memorial” as the type, and feel free to include your personal name in the Description field.
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