Cincinnati Women’s Guide to Divorce

Every divorce is unique. However, there are certain issues that affect almost every divorce and there are certain legal procedures that every divorcing couple in the Cincinnati area is required to follow.

Every divorce has emotional, social, and legal challenges, and you will need an attorney with extensive experience in family law in Cincinnati Ohio to help you navigate your divorce case.

WSM provides legal services exclusively to women. Many women stay in unhappy marriages due to fears about the effects on children, their financial stability, or the opinions of friends and families. We understand the unique challenges women face and are deeply committed to empowering women to move forward with their lives with confidence.

Once your divorce is finalized, you will have legal obligations that cannot easily be changed. Therefore, it is important that your divorce lawyer takes the time to get to know your unique needs and has your best interests at heart. That often means prioritizing mediation, which saves time, money, and stress.

Contact us today and arrange a free phone consultation with a Cincinnati divorce attorney at 380-212-3731.

Divorce Methods in Ohio

You can divorce without professional help, however, as a divorce decree places legal responsibilities upon you, you should take great care. Continuing without representation generally isn’t advised unless you have no children or assets and there are no contested issues.

The default option is litigation, but this is expensive and time-consuming. Sometimes there is no choice, but you should make sure you have help from a professional who can guide you through legal issues.

Mediation can help you formulate a separation agreement amicably. A trained mediator will inform you of your options, take the time to understand your needs and find a resolution that protects your future.

What WSM Can Do For You

As the only law firm in the Cincinnati area to exclusively represent women, we have a unique advantage. We understand your needs and will keep you engaged throughout the process. We have the skills necessary to meet your legal needs, while also providing a safe place for you to share your experiences.

We help our clients come to agreements using mediation wherever possible and while this may seem out of reach, many of our clients are surprised by what they can achieve with our help. Our methods have lots of benefits, including:

  • Empowers you to create a personalized plan that works for you and your family.
  • Move your divorce along quicker as you will not be waiting for lots of court dates.
  • Saves money on court fees.
  • Encourages a healthy relationship between you and your ex-spouse, which is particularly beneficial for divorced parents.
  • Encourages you and your ex-spouse to stay amicable.
  • Children are protected from lengthy court proceedings and increasing hostility between parents.

Once you have formulated an agreement, it will need to be approved by a judge. Your attorney will help ensure your agreement is in line with Ohio family law so that it is likely to be approved.

Although mediation is favorable for many couples, it is not always viable. If there is any history of abuse or couples cannot agree, then they will need to use litigation to work out your divorce decree. Our divorce attorneys are prepared to fight for your interests in court and will do whatever it takes to secure a favorable outcome in your case.

Family Law Matters and Divorce in Cincinnati, OH

We have the skills, experience, and resources necessary to help you with every aspect of your divorce case. We have helped many other women just like you by utilizing our person-centered approach that strikes the balance between professionalism and personalized support.

Child Custody

A badly handled divorce can have a huge impact on children, which is why we always prioritize children’s needs and strive to protect them as much as possible.

In Ohio, parents are awarded “parenting rights and responsibilities”. These cover the right to make important decisions in regards to the child’s life, and the amount of time the child spends with each parent.

Ohio family law places expectations on both parents, and unless one parent puts the child’s welfare at risk, both parties will be expected to contribute. If you have any concerns about your ex-spouse then you will need an attorney who can help protect you and your children.

Child Support

Usually, the highest-earning spouse will need to pay child support to the other, unless they themselves have primary care of the children. We will help you secure a fair amount of child support that is reflective of your child’s needs.

Property Division

Property division is a crucial aspect of any divorce and will have a big impact on your future. Ohio is an equitable distribution state which splits marital property in a just and fair way.

Anything either party owned prior to marriage, as well as inheritance and gifts, is separate property and continues to belong to each individual post-divorce.

Anything acquired during marriage by either party is marital property and is up for division. When dividing property you must consider each person’s needs and contribution, who has primary care of any children, the ability of each spouse to earn money, and more.

An attorney can guide you and help you formulate a plan that serves your needs and one which is likely to be approved by a Judge.

Spousal Support/Alimony

You deserve to maintain the same standard of living after divorce, especially if you have made sacrifices to look after children or a home. Your attorney will make sure that all of those factors are considered and that if you are due alimony, all your spouse’s assets are considered, including any hidden assets.

Grounds For Divorce in Ohio?

In Ohio, you are required to provide grounds for divorce. Most couples are able to file for a no-fault divorce, which protects their privacy and has very little burden of proof. It basically means that the couple divorce on grounds of incompatibility, however, both parties must agree to the divorce for this to be possible.

Alternatively, an at-fault divorce means that one party caused the divorce. Both parties do not need to agree, and it can help the other spouse to gain more property or spousal support following the divorce. Justifications for an at-fault divorce include adultery, neglect, abandonment, alcoholism, or a prison sentence.

The Divorce Process in Ohio

First, you will need to determine whether you can file for divorce in Ohio. You must have lived in the state for at least six months, and you can not finalize a divorce if you are pregnant, although it doesn’t prevent you from starting the process.

If you are eligible, then you can start the divorce process:

Fill Out Forms

It is a good idea to seek advice from an attorney before you begin, as they can make sure that everything is done correctly, saving you time, money, and hassle. The first step in the process is to file a Complaint for Divorce which will include details about your situation. You need to take extra care as any mistakes could make things more difficult later.

Temporary Orders

Divorce can take up to two years to finalize, in the meantime it may be necessary to seek legal obligations and guidance on certain matters, such as child care. For this, you will need to request temporary orders which will be enforceable until your divorce is complete.

Attend Hearings

You will attend a pre-trial hearing to discuss your divorce and will need to prepare by bringing information about your assets, debts, and expenses.

If you already have a mediated plan to present to the Judge then they might review and finalize it right way. However, if you have lots of contested issues they may ask you to work with a mediator.

If you are unable to reach agreements then you will receive a date for your next hearing. you will need a separate hearing for each contested issue. Typically each spouse shares the costs of court and pays for their own representation. However, if your one spouse is significantly more financially stable then the other may be able to fight for their costs to be reimbursed.

Finalize the Divorce

If you are able to present your own agreement to the judge then they will review it and if it is in line with Ohio law then they should approve it.

However, if an agreement cannot be reached then they will take time to review it and make a decision at a later date.

Your divorce is final once a “Judgment Entry for Divorce” is signed and filed, at which point you should have a copy mailed to you.

Tax Law and Divorce in Cincinnati, Ohio

There are tax implications to any divorce, which could be considered during your mediation. One particular issue for consideration is property division, particularly in high-asset divorces. Usually, property transfers between former spouses are seen as gifts, so you won’t be immediately taxed for that transaction.

Retirement plans may also be up for division and can have tax implications. However, you can avoid liability if you can have it divided under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO).

Another consideration is child custody. Whoever claims a child as a dependent can claim the $1,000 child tax credit, however, either party can continue to claim child-care credit for work expenses if they care for a child under-13 child.

Your attorney will understand how to navigate your case in line with Ohio tax laws to maximize your assets after divorce.

Domestic Violence

Divorce cases involving domestic violence require the expertise and dedication of a skilled family law attorney. At WSM our dedication to creating a safe space for women has led to us helping many women who have suffered abuse.

We understand how delicate the situation is and how hard it is to reach out for help, but we promise to handle your case with the care and commitment it needs.

We will offer immediate advice in a free consultation so that you can get to a place of safety. We will also file for a protection order to protect you and your children. We will ensure that the court is made aware of your experiences and that they are considered in every aspect of your divorce decree.

Speak To a Cincinnati Divorce Lawyer Today

Three attorneys with a passion for helping women in family law matters, Katie Woodford, Hari Sathappan, and Natalie McGee founded WSM in 2001. Since they have helped women from across Ohio to leave their marriages and move forward with their lives with a new found confidence.

With a firm grasp of the law, a team of experts, creativity, and a dedication to keeping you informed and engaged with every step of your case, they have created a law firm that is tailored to women’s needs.

As the only law firm in Cincinnati to exclusively represent women, we can offer the support, skills, experience, and resources necessary to protect your interests.

Contact us today at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation.

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