Cincinnati Child Custody Lawyer for Women

Helping Women Navigate Custody and Child Support in Cincinnati

WSM is the only law firm in Cincinnati, OH, to solely represent women.

This dedication to women means that we understand the challenges and emotions involved in child custody cases and are able to support you through the legal process with care and dedication.

We are committed to preserving the best interests of the child, and we believe that using mediation where possible is the best way to resolve family law issues. Not only will mediation save you time and money, but it also protects your children from a long legal battle. Where mediation is not possible, we will be prepared to fiercely fight for you and your children in court.

Our family law attorneys at WSM understand how to ease your stress, guide you through legal issues, and are here to lend a sympathetic ear when you need it. We are dedicated to the attorney-client relationship and are here to help you and your ex-spouse form a parenting plan that prioritizes the needs of your child and works for you.

Contact our Cincinnati office today at (380)212-3731 to arrange a free initial consultation with our legal team today.

Is it Possible to Negotiate Child Custody Matters Privately? 

At WSM, we pride ourselves on our skills in mediation and negotiation. When a child custody case is decided using these methods, as opposed to litigation, there are many benefits, such as:

  • Saving money on legal fees.

  • Protecting children from a long legal battle.

  • Allows ex-spouses to develop personalized arrangements that work with their schedules.

When you have legal representation from us, we can help guide you through legal matters using mediation. We will help you form a personalized parenting plan, which will then be submitted to the court for approval.

If an agreement cannot be reached using mediation, our legal team is equally skilled in court proceedings and are prepared to fight for you if needed.

Ohio Custody Laws

Custody laws in Ohio are different from most other states. Traditional terms such as ‘sole custody’ and ‘joint custody’ have been removed and replaced with ‘parental rights and responsibilities.

The court will assign parental rights and responsibilities in a parenting plan, which will include a parenting time schedule and the decision-making rights of each parent.

Either one or both parents can be awarded the right to make decisions on things like education, religion, and medical care.

Parenting time can also be split equally, or, more often than not, one parent will be the residential parent, and the child will spend the majority of time with them, and the non-custodial parent will be given visitation rights.

This is designed to minimize disruption to the child’s life.

Visitation Rights in Ohio

In Ohio, both parents are entitled to visitation unless the child’s welfare is at risk, such as if there have been instances of child abuse or drug and alcohol misuse.

However, even in these circumstances, supervised visits may be awarded.

A typical visitation schedule might mean one parent has the child during the week and the other every other weekend and one weeknight.

How Does the Court Decide Custody Rights?

Judges ruling on legal issues in child custody cases are required to make decisions based on what they determine to be in the best interests of the child. That often means causing as little disruption to the child’s life as possible. They may also consider factors such as:

  • The child’s wishes, especially older children.

  • The parents desire.

  • Each parent’s willingness to accommodate visits for the other parent.

  • The child’s relationship to the wider family, such as grandparents.

  • Potential danger to the child from either parent. I.e., domestic violence.

  • The mental and physical health of each parent.

  • The ability of either parent to meet the child’s emotional and physical needs.

  • How involved each parent is in the child’s life, such as attending school events, etc.

  • Where the child already lives, attends school, etc.

Child Support 

In Ohio, both parents are legally required to financially support their children. If the child spends the majority of their time with one parent, the other will usually have to pay child maintenance.

Child Custody Order Modifications

Although child custody orders are legally binding, they can be modified if circumstances have changed, making your current arrangement difficult. It isn’t easy to change a child custody order, so it is a good idea to have representation from a respected Cincinnati child custody law firm.

Woodford Sathappan McGee can meet your legal needs both throughout a divorce and in post-divorce issues such as modification of a divorce decree or child custody order.

We can help you in gathering documents and filing a motion for modification to the court. If you can prove that changes are in the child’s best interests, then it should be accepted.

Failure to Meet Child Order Obligations

If one parent repeatedly fails to meet their obligations, such as missing visitation or failure to pay child support, then this may also be grounds to change an order.

You will also have grounds for a contempt proceeding. If successful, the court can issue a jail sentence or seize their assets. WSM can provide the legal counsel you need to hold your ex-spouse accountable.

Domestic Violence

If you or your children have suffered abuse at the hands of your spouse, then contact us straight away. We can help protect you by getting you to a place of safety and will work with you to evidence your claims and ensure that the courts understand the extent of your experiences. A protection order can help keep you safe if you are experiencing domestic abuse.

If you think you or your children are in immediate danger, then contact 911 or the Ohio Domestic Violence Network at 1-800-934-9840.

Child Custody FAQ

How much is a child custody lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio?

In Cincinnati, OH, the cost of representation is dependent on the complexity of your case. We can give you a rough idea of the cost in your free consultation. We are committed to our client’s best interests and strive to keep costs down as much as possible with negotiation and mediation.

Who pays family law attorney fees?

In general, both parties are responsible for their own legal fees. However, if one party is significantly more financially stable, then the judge may order one party to compensate the other.

At what age in Ohio can a child choose which parent to live with?

A child cannot truly decide who to live with until they are 18. However, the court can take a child’s wishes into consideration if they are 12 or above. Ultimately, the court will rule based on the best interests of the child.

If both parents share custody, will either pay child support?

In the Cincinnati area, a shared parenting plan rarely equates to 50/50 parenting time, so the parent who spends the least amount of time with the child will usually have to contribute financially.

The court will also consider each parent’s income. If there is a significant disparity, then the spouse who earns more will be required to pay support.

Can one spouse refuse to allow visitation if the other fails to pay child maintenance?

No! Child maintenance is a separate legal issue, and if one parent refuses visitation, then they could face legal reproductions.

When can I modify custody?

In Ohio, custody can be modified at any time if a change of circumstances occurred to justify a modification is in the best interests of the child.

The Best Child Custody Lawyers in Cincinnati, OH

Making the decision to end a marriage is always a difficult time for our clients. Often mothers are left feeling confused and alone and unsure of how to move forward.

WSM has years of experience in meeting women’s legal needs and has the skills and resources necessary to help.

We take the time to get to know our clients and understand their needs. A child custody attorney from our law firm can provide individualized and supportive representation that includes emotional support as well as legal counsel.

We can help throughout any family law matters, including a custody battle, spousal support, and any post-divorce issues. So contact us today and arrange a free consultation with a Cincinnati child custody attorney at (380)212-3731.

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