Cincinnati Female Divorce Lawyer

Dedicated Female Divorce Lawyers in Cincinnati

At WSM, we are proud to be female-led. Women represent the minority of attorneys in the U.S, but we believe that women can offer a level of care, dedication, and understanding that is unparalleled, especially when it comes to representing women and mothers in divorce and family law.

There are many reasons why some people prefer to work with female attorneys. You may have had negative experiences with men. You may feel more comfortable talking to another woman or feel the need to speak to someone with the shared experience of motherhood and divorce as a woman.

Whatever the reason, we are here to help.

At WSM, we are committed solely to the needs of women. This gives us a unique set of skills and expertise that sets us apart from other Cincinnati family law firms.

We understand the challenges women face when filing for divorce, their concern for their children’s well-being, financial security, and reaction from friends and family. Our law firm is committed to fighting for the best interests of our clients. That means offering mediation and negotiation wherever possible, fighting fiercely in court when necessary, and offering support and guidance both during and after the divorce process.

How you settle a divorce could affect you and your children for the rest of your lives, so it is essential that you do what is necessary to secure the best outcome. Contact us today to arrange a free phone consultation in Cincinnati, OH, at 380-212-3731.

Using Mediation to Protect Your Interests

At WSM, we offer the highest quality legal services and prioritize mediation and negotiation where possible, known as collaborative law. Through dispute resolution techniques, we empower many of our clients to move forward with legal issues with little court involvement.

Our collaborative professionals save our clients money and time, reduces stress, and protect their children from a lengthy court battle in Cincinnati, OH.

You may believe that you cannot possibly mediate with your ex-spouse. However, we are prepared to take on even the most complex cases, and often our clients are surprised at what they can achieve with our help.

If you cannot reach an agreement, then we will be prepared to fight for your interests in court and are just as skilled at court proceedings.

Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, we see a number of women who have suffered domestic violence. It may be the reason why you are looking for a female attorney in Cincinnati, OH.

At WSM, we have handled numerous cases involving domestic violence. Our dedication to women in family law gives us the skills necessary to handle your case with the care and commitment it requires.

Our legal team will help get you to a place of safety and will secure a protection order for you and your family. The Cincinnati divorce attorney dedicated to your case will get to work right away to gather evidence and ensure that the court understands the extent of your experiences, which will be especially important when determining legal issues such as child custody. If necessary, we can help ensure that your ex-spouse has limited access to your children.

Family Law Issues and Divorce

Divorce is rarely straightforward. There are almost always areas of contention, especially when children are involved. Divorce decrees are legally binding, which means they can determine how you live for the rest of your life.

Therefore it is essential that you have experienced representation from someone who has your best interests and the best interests of your children at heart.

WSM can help you reach favorable outcomes in family law issues such as:

Spousal Support/Alimony

Following a divorce, one spouse is often required to pay alimony to the other. Usually, the highest-earning spouse pays the other. This is designed to make sure that people can maintain the same standard of living after divorce.

For many women who may have left a job or sacrificed work to care for children, spousal support is essential. You deserve to be able to leave your marriage with confidence that you will be able to support yourself and continue living the life you have built.

A female attorney practicing family law in Cincinnati at WSM will provide you with the support you need to secure your future. Our goal is to leave you feeling confident and secure in your future. We will work to make sure that all assets are considered when determining spousal support, including property, benefits, deferred compensation, stocks, and more.

Child Custody

Our top priority is also the well-being of children, and we will strive to do everything possible to protect their interests.

Child custody in Ohio is handled differently from most other states. Traditional terms such as sole and joint custody have been scrapped. Instead, the court determines the ‘Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities.’

Using mediation, we can help you determine a personalized parenting plan that works for you. The court should approve it if they believe it is in the best interests of the child. Working with an ex-spouse to determine something so integral can feel overwhelming, but your attorney will be there to guide you.

In general, the court will want to minimize disruption to the child’s life and keep both parents involved. Decisions will need to be made over who has the right to make decisions regarding the child’s life and who the child will spend their time with.

Typically, both parents will retain the right to make decisions, and time may be split in a way that meets the child’s needs. For example, the child may spend one weekday and every other weekday with the non-custodial parent and the majority of their time with the residential parent.

At WSM, we will help you put together a plan that works, and if you and your ex-spouse can’t work out your parenting issues amicably, then we will fight your child custody case in court.

In addition, if there are any reasons why you have concerns about your ex-spouse seeing your children, such as a history of substance misuse or child abuse, we will help you evidence this and can work to secure supervised visitation.

Child Support

Unmarried parents are each required to financially support their children in Ohio. Usually, the highest-earning spouse will be required to pay child support to the other unless they are the primary custodian. Your Cincinnati divorce attorney will help secure a child support arrangement that protects your future and your children’s future.

Property Division

The Cincinnati family law attorneys at WSM can help you come to an agreement regarding the division of assets that protects your interests. Your decision on property division will need to be approved by a judge, who will need to agree that it is fair and just.

Ohio is an equitable distribution state in which property is split into two types, separate and marital.

Separate property includes anything owned by either spouse before they were married, inherited assets, and anything determined as separate in prenuptial agreements. Separate property belongs to an individual and continues to be separate after divorce.

Marital property is all assets attained during the course of a marriage, such as property, vehicles, investments, pensions, and joint bank accounts.

Equitable distribution does not equate to a 50/50 split. Instead, property division is determined by what is ‘fair and just’. The court may consider each spouse’s needs, where any children will live, the length of the marriage, and the contribution of each spouse.

Family Law Matters After Divorce

Our legal team at WSM practices family law exclusively, including post-divorce issues. We believe that our dedication to one branch of law and the lives of women gives us an advantage over other law firms. We are proud to be able to support our clients throughout their divorce and beyond.

Contempt Proceedings

A divorce decree is legally binding, which means that if your ex-spouse is repeatedly violating its terms, you can file a contempt proceeding. For example, if they continually miss visitation or fail to pay spousal support, then the court can hold them accountable. They may change a custody order, seize assets, or even serve them a jail sentence to ensure compliance.

It is important to understand that visitation and spousal or child support are separate issues, and if your ex-spouse refuses to pay, you cannot punish them by limiting visitation. The court will not look favorably on you if you do this. Instead, if your ex-spouse refuses to pay, you need one of our lawyers to help ensure they are held accountable.

A Cincinnati divorce lawyer at WSM will help you file a contempt proceeding and will do everything possible to streamline the experience. 

Divorce Modification

Although divorce decrees are legally binding, circumstances change, and sometimes an agreement you agreed upon no longer meets your needs or your family’s needs. That is why the court allows you to apply for divorce decree modifications. However, they do not come easily, and you must show evidence as to why changes are necessary.

A divorce lawyer in Cincinnati will help you file a motion for modification and will ensure you have the evidence required. Potential justifications could include changing needs of children, the discovery of hidden assets, illness, changes of income, or relocation.

Contact The Divorce Lawyers at WSM Today

WSM is proudly female-led. If you are looking for a female attorney who is committed to your needs, understands your struggles, and has the skills, experience, and resources necessary to handle your case, then look no further.

As the only law firm in Cincinnati, OH, to exclusively represent women, we are prepared to handle even the most complex cases with the care and dedication they deserve.

Contact us today at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation. 

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