Divorce Lawyer for Women in Detroit

Trustworthy Detroit Divorce Lawyers Protecting Women’s Rights and Interests

A man and woman taking off their wedding rings.Many women stay in unhappy marriages for too long because of concerns about their life after divorce. Between worrying about the well-being of their children, and concern for their financial and emotional stability as single women, the prospect of leaving a marriage, even an unhappy one, often feels overwhelming.

Our goal at WSM is for women to have the support and guidance they need in divorce and other family law matters to feel confident and secure in their lives after divorce. You may not realize what powerful conditional rights you have and when it comes to leaving your spouse, dividing your property, child custody, child support, and spousal support payments, it is important that you have the support of a divorce attorney who will advocate for your future.

Our commitment to women has allowed us to create a law firm that provides unparalleled support. We will guide you in every decision and will keep you informed and involved so that you can make important decisions with clarity.

We will take the time to learn what’s important to you so that we can strive to protect it. If you have children, we will always prioritize their best interests while also advocating for your future. Our divorce attorneys will help you, and your ex-spouse negotiate where possible, but will always be prepared to stand for your rights in front of a Judge if necessary.

To arrange a free consultation with a Detroit divorce lawyer for women, contact WSM today at 380-212-3731.

The Major Decisions of Divorce in Detroit, MI

Once you finally make the decision to divorce, you will probably want it over as soon as possible. However, there are a lot of important decisions that need to be made and the outcome of your divorce decree will have a big impact on your future. Therefore, it is essential that you approach these legal issues with due care and consideration.

At WSM, your divorce attorney will guide you through every decision. Although each case may pose its own unique challenges, most divorces involve the following factors:

Dividing Your Marital Property

Almost every divorce will involve property division, and if you have been married for a number of years, separating the assets you have acquired during this time is likely to be complicated.

It is important that you have the proper support and guidance for dividing your property in a just way that protects your rights. How your property is ultimately divided is likely to greatly impact how financially stable you are after your marriage ends.

The first task is to determine what property is separate and what is marital and, therefore, subject to division.

  • Separate Property – All assets that you or your spouse owned before you married each other is separate property and therefore continue to belong to each individual after divorce. Gifts, inheritance, and some types of compensation may also be kept as separate property.
  • Marital Property – Marital property, also referred to as community property, is all assets that you or your spouse acquired during the marriage. Marital property could include bank accounts, real estate, retirement accounts, stocks and bonds, debts, and more. Marital property is subject to division, and in Michigan, which is an equitable distribution state, it must be divided in a just and fair way.

Determining what a just and fair division of marital property equates to, often created tension. Important considerations could include the length of the marriage, the nature of the child custody arrangement, the ability of each spouse to earn money, how much separate property each spouse has, and more.

Your divorce lawyer from WSM will fight for what’s important to you and will advocate fiercely on your behalf to protect your rights. We are uniquely prepared to handle even the most complex cases such as those involving high assets, offshore accounts, large debts, or hidden assets.

Michigan Child Custody, Parenting Time, and Visitation

Two parents upset near their infant.

If you have children, then their well-being could be your biggest worry. You may be concerned about how the divorce will affect them, how you will arrive at a parenting plan that meets their best interests, and how you will provide for them as a single mother.

At WSM, we always prioritize the needs of children involved in a divorce. We will help you to protect them throughout the process and will work with you, and your ex-spouse to arrive at agreements that prioritize their best interests.

In Michigan, parents are awarded legal custody and physical custody.

  • Legal Custody – Legal custody is the right to make important decisions on behalf of your child, such as what school they go to, what medical care they receive, and whether they participate in religious practices. Legal custody may be awarded to one or both parents.
  • Physical Custody – Physical custody describes how much time each parent spends as the child’s main caregiver. Physical custody could be shared equally, or the child could live with the custodial parent while the noncustodial parent is granted visitation rights. A typical visitation schedule could be every other weekend and one weekday evening.

Regarding child custody, the court will try to keep both parents involved while fostering stability in the child’s life. For example, while it may be in the child’s best interests for both parents to be part of their life, it may make more sense for one parent to take on the role of the custodial parent. Especially if one parent has historically carried out most of the parental responsibilities.

Once a parenting plan has been established, it must be adhered to. Parents are expected to try and come to an amicable agreement with the help of their attorneys. At WSM, we will help you and your spouse negotiate a parenting plan that prioritizes your children, and fits in with everyone’s schedule. If this is not possible, then we will present your case in court.

If your ex-spouse poses a risk to your child, then you may be able to fight for sole custody. However, you will need to present convincing evidence to a Judge that this is in your child’s best interests. Even if you do convince a Judge, they may still award supervised visitation, which you will need to facilitate. At WSM, we will help you fight for sole custody if appropriate in your case.

Michigan Child Support Payments

Parents have a legal obligation to provide financially for their children. When one parent becomes the primary custodian, the other will likely be obliged to pay child support.

Child support payments are often essential for mothers after divorce as they ensure that they can continue to meet their child’s daily needs, such as providing food and shelter. Child support payments are a legal obligation that must be made in line with the court order. If they are not, then you can take action to recover them. Missed payments never disappear and even accrue interest.

In Michigan, child support payments must be made until a child is 18 or until they graduate high school (up until the age of 19 and a half). However, if your child has a mental or physical incapacity that prevents them from being self-sufficient, then child support payments may need to be paid until the court orders otherwise.

Michigan Spousal Support Payments

Spousal support payments are financial contributions that one spouse could be ordered to pay another, which could start during the divorce process. Spousal support is not awarded in every case, and when it is awarded, it is to ensure that the receiving spouse has their financial needs met. They are usually a temporary solution and allow the receiving spouse an opportunity to become financially independent, which could involve finding work or undergoing training.

That being said, a permanent spousal support order is possible. Permanent spousal support orders are usually only awarded in cases where the marriage lasted for a long time, and the receiving spouse is not able to become financially independent due to their age, health, or disability.

Many women sacrifice careers to care for children and a home, and this should be considered when determining if you are owed spousal support. You have a right to leave your spouse without undue financial hardship, and if you are owed support payments, then we will help you fight for an agreement that meets your needs.

High Conflict Divorce in Detroit, MI

A man and woman discussing divorce with a lawyer.

At WSM, our high-conflict divorce attorneys have the skills, experience, and resources necessary to guide our clients through even the most difficult cases. High-conflict divorces are usually the result of an abusive relationship, such as those involving domestic violence or a narcissistic partner.

High-conflict divorce cases can be incredibly difficult. An abusive spouse may try to control the situation, so it is essential that you have the support of an experienced high-conflict divorce lawyer who understands how to set boundaries with them so that they are not able to manipulate the situation.

At WSM, we will set boundaries and will keep the divorce moving forward. If your ex-spouse poses a danger to you or your children, then we will help you file a protection order to keep them away from you while you make decisions about your next steps. We will make sure that the Judge is made aware of your experiences and takes them into account when ruling on key issues such as those involving child custody.

Thanks to our dedication to women, many women have felt able to come to us for help leaving difficult marriages. We know how difficult it is to take those first steps, but know that we will support you every step of the way and will fight for the future you deserve.

High Asset Divorce in Detroit, MI

High-asset divorces are those that involve significant assets such as multiple properties, high-value investments or retirement accounts, a self-owned business, or other complex assets.

High-asset divorces may also involve child support payments that exceed legal guidelines, this may be necessary to meet your child’s additional needs, such as their educational costs.

These types of cases require representation from a lawyer with extensive experience in a high-asset divorce, and those at WSM are prepared to help. We will fight for an outcome that protects your rights and sets you up for a bright future.

Detroit Divorce Lawyer for Women FAQ

It is common for divorcing spouses to be unable to agree on a parenting schedule while they wait for the divorce to be finalized. They may also need guidance on issues such as how bills and debts will be paid and who will remain in the family home.

Your divorce attorney can help you file for temporary orders, which will place legal obligations on you and your ex-spouse for a limited period, usually until your divorce is finalized. The Judge can also issue temporary orders independently if they see a need for it.

You have a right to divorce without legal representation. However, it is important to consider that the decisions made in your divorce decree will greatly impact your future, so the decision to try and do it yourself should be made with great care. Even in an amicable divorce, it is important that your rights are protected and your future considered at every stage. At the very least, you should contact us for a free consultation so that you can explore your options.

In the state of Michigan, there is a mandatory waiting period of six months. However, if there are contested issues, then your divorce could take longer. Your divorce attorney from WSM will keep your divorce moving forward without ever compromising your rights.

Michigan allows for separate maintenance, which like legal separation, enables couples to separate while seeking guidance on all key issues that would usually be addressed in a divorce. However, you will remain legally married and may reconcile at any time. However, there are important implications to consider and you should speak to a divorce attorney before making your decision.

In order to file for divorce in Michigan either you or your spouse must have lived in the state for at least 180 days. You must also file in the county where either of you has lived for the last ten days or more.

Michigan is a no-fault state, which means that you will file for divorce on the grounds that there has been an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage. In Michigan, an at-fault divorce is not an option, which means that you cannot make accusations in the initial divorce filings. However, if your spouse has been abusive then this can be raised after the initial filing.

A divorce’s complexity and the number of contested issues will determine its cost. In your free consultation, we can help advise you so that you can make an informed choice.

Your divorce decree is legally binding. However, the courts also understand that circumstances change over time, and terms that may have worked for you once may become unmanageable. When this happens you may be able to apply for a modification.

However, in order to change the terms of your divorce decree you and your ex-spouse must agree, or there must have been a substantial change in circumstances. Our family law attorneys can help you with all divorce and post-divorce issues.

At WSM, we are proud to be female-led. If you feel more comfortable working with a female attorney, then we are more than happy to accommodate you. Our attorneys each have a unique set of skills, and we will assign the woman with the most experience in the issues relating to your case.

Speak to a Divorce Attorney Dedicated to Women in Detroit, MI Today

At WSM, we believe that our dedication to women is what allows us to meet their needs in divorce and other family law matters. We will help you and your ex-spouse negotiate your divorce terms where possible, but we will always be prepared to advocate for your best interests in court proceedings.

Our divorce lawyers are prepared to handle even the most complex divorce cases and will ensure that you are supported at every stage. We will keep you informed and engaged and will be prompt to answer your questions or there to lend a sympathetic ear when you need it.

Contact us at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Detroit family law attorneys, also serving Novi, MI and Oakland County areas.

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