How Can Mothers Enforce Child Support in Michigan?

A mom working at the table with her two kids.

Struggling to receive the child support your children deserve in Michigan? As a mother, you have the right to enforce child support orders. By partnering with WSM, we go over how mothers can enforce child support in Michigan, leveraging the state’s legal mechanisms to ensure the financial support that their child is legally owed.

At WSM, we understand the importance of securing the financial support your child deserves. Our experienced team is committed to assisting mothers like you in handling the legal processes involved in enforcing child support orders in Michigan. When facing more complex situations, it’s crucial to have knowledgeable legal support by your side. WSM is here to help you understand your rights and take the necessary steps to protect your child’s well-being.

Take the first step towards securing the child support your children deserve by contacting us today. Our team is ready to discuss your specific situation, provide tailored advice, and guide you through the process with compassion and experience. Your child’s financial stability matters and we are dedicated to helping you achieve a positive outcome. 

Call us at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation and start the journey towards ensuring your child receives the support they are legally entitled to.

Understanding Child Support in Michigan

Child support is a court-ordered payment made by a parent (the ‘payer’) to assist with the financial expenses associated with raising a child during or after a divorce. This financial obligation ensures that both parents contribute to the well-being of their child, even if they don’t live under the same roof. In some cases, the payer has already paid child support, fulfilling their responsibility toward their child’s needs, while in other cases, the payer still pays child support on an ongoing basis.

In Michigan, enforcing child support payments is a critical aspect of the system that safeguards children’s financial support for their growth and development, while compelling parents to fulfill their responsibilities.

The Importance of Child Support

Child support holds immense significance for the well-being of children and the financial stability of parents. Regular and consistent child support payments help maintain a stable environment for children, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to thrive. With pay support, parents can contribute to their child’s well-being and development.

In Michigan, consistent financial support is vital for a child’s overall well-being. Consequently, the Friend of the Court may report delinquency to a consumer credit reporting agency if a parent falls behind on child support payments, which can negatively impact the parent’s credit score.

How Child Support is Determined

Determining child support in Michigan involves a comprehensive formula that considers the following factors:

  • The net income of the parents
  • The amount of time each parent spends with the child
  • Various sources of income, including wages, salaries, bonuses, and potential interest on inherited property and gifts

These factors are taken into account when calculating child support.

For parents with an exceptionally high income, adjustments can be made for the child to receive adequate financial support. Correspondingly, for parents with a low income, adjustments are made to safeguard their basic needs after paying child support. This is essential to provide financial support and stability for families in need, taking into account the parent’s income.

Medical support, which covers a range of treatments and services, is generally shared by both parents based on their income. The costs of essential child care, enabling a parent to work or enhance their employment prospects, are also shared by both parents.

Roles of Different Agencies

Several agencies play significant roles in enforcing child support in Michigan. The Friend of the Court (FOC), for instance, is tasked with enforcing child support orders. They can initiate enforcement actions in cases of overdue payments and conduct show cause hearings to address non-payment issues.

The Michigan State Disbursement Unit (MiSDU) is responsible for receiving child support payments from the non-custodial parent and distributing these funds to the custodial parent. The collaboration between the FOC and the MiSDU is key in ensuring the successful collection and distribution of child support payments.

Steps for Mothers to Enforce Child Support

As a mother, you have several avenues at your disposal to enforce child support. The Friend of the Court is a valuable resource for enforcing child support orders, playing a pivotal role in making sure parents meet their obligations, which directly impacts the well-being of the children involved. When a parent does not comply with the support order, they have the authority to utilize a range of enforcement methods, including:

  • Wage garnishment
  • Intercepting tax refunds
  • Suspending driver’s licenses
  • Placing liens on property
  • Reporting delinquent payments to credit bureaus

In cases where you experience difficulties in receiving child support payments, you can take proactive steps such as filing a child support complaint or seeking legal assistance from WSM to help you through the steps of enforcing child support. Each of these steps can help ensure that your child’s financial needs are met.

Contacting the Friend of the Court

The Friend of the Court plays a significant role in Michigan’s child support system. They establish and implement policies and guidelines for child support, custody, and parenting time, and are responsible for ensuring parents comply with court orders related to these matters.

Filing a Complaint

Filing a complaint is another step you can take to enforce child support. This can be done by submitting a new complaint online through the Michigan Attorney General’s website and providing all the required information.

It’s worth noting that the processing time for a child support complaint in Michigan typically ranges between 4 to 6 months. Therefore, immediate action is necessary if you’re facing difficulties with child support payments.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Legal assistance from WSM can prove invaluable in enforcing child support. Given the intricate and case-specific nature of legal processes involved in child support enforcement, professional guidance is essential. Our child support lawyers can provide a wide range of assistance such as establishing, enforcing, or modifying child support orders. We can also represent you at court hearings to safeguard your rights, making legal representation a beneficial investment in your child’s future.

Enforcement Tools Available in Michigan

Michigan offers several tools for enforcing child support, including:

  • Income withholding from paychecks or Social Security benefits
  • Felony non-support prosecution for extreme delinquency
  • Noting payment credits if not made through MiSDU or FOC.

These enforcement tools, known as child support collection methods, act as potent mechanisms to enforce child support orders, thus ensuring consistent child support payments and helping parents to pay child support, securing their child’s financial future.

Income Withholding

One of the primary enforcement tools in Michigan is income withholding. This involves the deduction of child support and medical support payments from the non-custodial parent’s paycheck.

Michigan state laws mandate that all orders for income withholding include the total amount designated in the notices for current and past-due support payments. This facilitates the enforcement of child support and ensures children receive the required support.

Tax Refund Interception

Tax refund interception is another enforcement tool in Michigan. This involves the interception of both federal and state tax refunds to fulfill support obligations.

The Tax Refund Offset Program in Michigan permits the interception of both state and federal tax refunds when a taxpayer has outstanding child support arrears of $150 or more. Please be aware that legal regulations including potential dollar amounts may change over time. For the most current and accurate information, consult with legal assistance to ensure accuracy in your specific

License Suspension

License suspension can also be used to enforce child support in Michigan. Driver’s licenses, recreational or sporting licenses, and professional licenses can be refused, suspended, or revoked if a parent falls over two months behind in child support payments

Modifications and Reviews of Child Support Orders

At times, circumstances change, necessitating modifications and reviews of child support orders. Parents have the option to request a review of their child support order every 36 months or in the event of a significant change in circumstances.

Modifications can be requested if there is a minimum of a 10% change, or a difference of $50.00 per month, in the child support amount. Proof of income is a mandatory requirement for this process. Please be aware that legal regulations including potential dollar amounts may change over time. For the most current and accurate information, consult with legal assistance to ensure accuracy in your specific situation.

Requesting a Review

Requesting a review of a child support order is a fairly straightforward process in Michigan. The first step to initiate a review is to request the local Friend of the Court office to review the order.

Upon a party’s request for a review of the child support order, the office will ascertain within 14 days whether the order meets the criteria for a review.

Filing for Modification

If it has been less than 36 months since the last court order review, either parent has the option to file a court motion to modify the child support order.

To initiate a modification of child support, the necessary documents include the original set of motion forms, copies, the Financial Information Form, and the payment to cover the filing fee.

Factors Affecting Modifications

Various factors can affect modifications to child support orders. One of the most significant factors is a change in the income of either parent. If there is a change in income, the support amount can be modified.

The cost of living and a change in custody arrangements can also impact child support modifications. Some judges may incorporate a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) clause in child support orders, and when custody terms are altered, either parent has the right to request a modification of the child support order.

Interstate Child Support Enforcement

Interstate child support enforcement is another aspect that mothers should be aware of. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) is a federal law designed to facilitate the enforcement of child support orders across different states.

UIFSA streamlines the enforcement of child support orders across state borders by enabling the initiating state’s order to be utilized directly in the responding state’s administrative enforcement procedures.

Legal Representation and Resources for Mothers

Legal representation and resources can be immensely beneficial for mothers seeking to enforce child support. Legal representation from WSM not only ensures the enforcement of your child support order but we also advocate for your rights in case payments stop or legal adjustments are needed.

Benefits of Legal Representation

Legal representation can significantly influence child support cases. Lawyers in Michigan perform vital roles in child support cases, including investigating disputes, providing recommendations on custody and parenting time, and facilitating conflict resolution, thereby prioritizing the financial well-being of children.

A lawyer from WSM can assist a mother in enforcing child support orders by accurately calculating the amount owed and guiding her through the complexities of the enforcement process to ensure the financial obligations are met.

How WSM Can Help You

The intricacies of child support enforcement can be a daunting task. However, with the right knowledge, resources, and legal support, you can ensure that your child receives the support they rightfully deserve.

Our legal team has the knowledge and experience to navigate the complexities of child support enforcement, providing tailored guidance and support throughout the process. Whether you need assistance with understanding legal mechanisms, exploring enforcement tools, or handling more complex situations, our team is dedicated to helping you achieve a positive outcome.

Embrace the path to positive change. Dial 380-212-3731 now for free consultation and access the information and support you need. Your empowering journey begins with this call—take action now for a brighter and more hopeful future.

Frequently Asked Questions

To enforce child support in Michigan, you can visit the Information Services Department in Detroit, call 1-844-785-7893 for enforcement, or email [email protected]. You may also mail a written request to the FOC Information Services Department in Detroit. Having a family law firm such as WSM on your side is also invaluable in this situation.

In Michigan, falling behind $5,000 or more on child support payments can lead to felony charges and potential prosecution by the Attorney General or local county prosecutor’s office. Please be aware that legal regulations including potential dollar amounts may change over time. For the most current and accurate information, consult with legal assistance to ensure accuracy in your specific

In Michigan, a mother can waive child support in rare circumstances by filling out a Deviation Addendum, with approval required from the local Friend of the Court and Prosecuting Attorney.

In Michigan, child support is determined based on the net income of the parents, the time spent with the child, and additional costs like healthcare and child care. This ensures a fair and comprehensive approach to determining child support obligations.