Indianapolis Family Law Firm for Women

A gavel with a sign that says family court in the background.WSM is a family law firm that exclusively represents women. Our goal is to empower women to move forward with their lives, feeling confident about their future, and we believe that our dedication to women gives us a unique advantage in meeting their needs.

Our Indianapolis family law attorneys can help guide you through issues such as child custody cases, property division, high conflict divorce, and more. We take a unique approach offering both mediation and negotiation, as well as fierce litigation where necessary.

It is important to remember that court orders are legally binding and will have a big impact on the future of you and your children. Family law matters should not be taken lightly, so contact WSM in Indianapolis today and arrange a free consultation with an experienced divorce attorney for women.

Contact our law office today at 380-212-3731.

WSM Providing Comprehensive Representation For Women

WSM was founded in 2021 by three established family law attorneys who shared a goal of helping women navigate family law issues in a way that empowers them with knowledge of their rights and allows them to move forward with their lives in confidence.

Our legal team is comprised of skilled divorce attorneys for women who each have skills and experience in various aspects of family law. When you reach out to us, we will assign the best fit for your case. Every one of our attorneys is skilled in both mediation and litigation; we will help you reach amicable agreements where possible but will also always be prepared to litigate fiercely on your behalf.

As the only law firm in the Indianapolis area to exclusively represent women, our attorneys have an in-depth understanding of women’s needs and will not only provide fierce legal representation, but we will also take the time to keep you informed and be there as a source of support when you need it.

Family Law Cases Involving Domestic Violence

Being a law firm that focuses solely on representing women, we have created a safe space for women to share their experiences and recover support. We understand how difficult it is to take those first steps and will treat any case involving domestic violence with the care and dedication it requires.

We will advise you about how to get to a place of safety and will help you file a protection order with the court, which will keep your spouse away from you and your children so that you can make decisions from a place of safety. We will then help you gather evidence so that the court understands the extent of your experiences and that they are considered when key decisions are made, such as those involving child custody.

If you think you might be in immediate danger, then call 911 so that they can ensure you are safe.

Indianapolis Child Custody Arrangements

A mom holding her two kids on the couch with a blanket wrapped around them.Fighting for child custody is one of the most highly emotional family law issues. Most of the time, everyone wants what’s best for their children, but they disagree about what that entails.

At WSM, we always prioritize the needs of children if they are involved in family law matters. When it comes to child custody, that usually means creating a shared parenting plan that fosters stability.

In Indiana, legal custody and physical custody have replaced traditional terms such as sole custody and joint custody.

Legal Custody

Legal custody refers to the rights of each parent to make decisions on their child’s behalf, such as where they attend school, whether they practice a religion, and where they receive dental and medical care. One or both parents could be awarded decision-making rights over the child.

Physical Custody

Physical custody is the time that each parent spends with the child. The court prefers that both parents remain involved in the child’s life unless there is a reason why one parent could risk the child’s wellbeing.

Parents may share equal physical custody, or one parent may have most of the time with the child. The parent who lives with the child for the majority of the time is called the residential parent, and the other is called the noncustodial parent.

The non-custodial parents’ typical visitation schedule is every other weekend and one weeknight visit. The court could award more visitation but not less than the minimum amount in line with state guidelines.

Even if one parent has sole legal custody, both parents are usually entitled to regular visitation unless the child’s well-being is at risk, and even then, they may be granted supervised visitation.

Indiana Child Support Obligation

Parents are legally obligated to financially support their children. Indiana law assumes that the primary residential parent will spend their support obligation on their children, and so the non-residential parent is usually the one to pay child support.

In addition to basic child support, Indiana parents are also required to pay an additional amount to contribute to medical support and health insurance coverage.

Spousal Support Obligation

Spousal support, also referred to as alimony, is money that one spouse is ordered to pay to another following divorce. Spousal support is not awarded in every divorce case and is designed to help one spouse maintain a standard of living that they have become accustomed to, which they would be unable to maintain without the support of their ex-spouse.

For some of the women we work with, spousal support is essential for them to move forward with financial security. If you sacrificed your education or career to look after children or a home, then these sacrifices should be considered.

Division of Property Following Divorce or Legal Separation

Following the breakdown of a marriage, a couple needs to separate their property; this can be highly complex and often requires the help of an experienced Indianapolis divorce attorney. At WSM, we will take the time to learn what’s important to you and strive for an outcome that meets your needs. We are able to take on even the most complex property division cases, including those involving high assets, hidden assets, self-owned businesses, or off-shore assets.

The first task is to split your property into separate and marital property:

Separate Property

Separate property continues to belong to each individual after the end of their marriage. Property is considered separate if it belonged to an individual before they became married, or if it was gifted to them, including inheritance.

Marital Property

Marital property is subject to division and includes anything obtained by either party while they were married, including property, bank accounts, pensions, and debts. Indiana is an equitable distribution state which orders marital property to be divided in a ‘just and fair way’, rather than a 50/50 split.

Property division is based on many factors, including who is the custodial parent, each spouse’s contribution to their assets, each spouse’s needs, the length of the marriage, and more.

Divorce Decree Modification

If you have already been issued a divorce decree, then you will have legal obligations that you are required to meet. However, sometimes a change in circumstances means that your obligations become difficult to meet, or perhaps you need more from your ex-spouse. When this happens, you should speak to one of our Indianapolis divorce attorneys for women who can help you file for a divorce decree modification.

The Indiana Family Code allows for modifications if there has been a substantial change in circumstances such as job loss, the discovery of hidden assets, change of income, illness, or changing needs of the child.

Contempt Proceedings

It can be incredibly frustrating when your ex-spouse ignores the terms of your divorce decree, such as repeatedly missing visitation or child support payments.

When this happens, you need to follow the proper legal procedures by filing contempt proceedings. If you try to handle it yourself, for example, by refusing visitation until they pay you what you are owed, then you, too, could be guilty of contempt.

An attorney can help you file contempt proceedings, and a judge may enforce compliance by garnishing their wages, seizing assets, or even threatening a jail sentence. It may also justify a modification of your decree, such as changing the terms of your custody arrangement.

Child support payments do not disappear, meaning that anything you have not been paid is still owed to you.

Finding The Best Indianapolis Divorce Attorney For Women

Many women looking for a family law firm have never required legal representation before, which can make finding the right fit for your case feel like an impossible task. Here are some of the key things to look for when making your decision:

An Offer That Includes Mediation and Litigation

When it comes to family law matters, it is important that you have the assistance of a law firm that is able to offer both mediation and litigation. Mediation is important; it allows you and your ex-spouse to come to personalized arrangements and saves money and time on court proceedings. However, skills in litigation are also important, or you could be left vulnerable.

A Local Family Law Firm

Family law is highly complex and varies state by state, but a narrow focus allows attorneys to become authorities in their fields. When you find a local law firm that focuses on family law, your divorce attorney will have an in-depth understanding of the laws surrounding your case and will likely have worked with the judge overseeing your case before and can tailor their approach.

On the other hand, a law firm that tries to cover several states or various practice areas, such as criminal defense and personal injury, may not have the in-depth knowledge required to do everything possible for your case.

Whether You Like Your Divorce Attorney

When it comes to your family, you want the best representation, and it is not only your divorce attorney’s experience and skills that are important but also whether you feel comfortable speaking to them. Family law cases involve personal and complex issues, and you need to feel supported without judgment. Many family law firms for women, including WSM, offer free consultations, which is a great opportunity for you to decide how you feel about your potential attorney.

Indianapolis Family Law Firm For Women FAQ

When does child support end in Indiana?

A child support order must be paid until a child is 18. However, it could be paid for longer if the child has ongoing needs such as further education or illness, or disability.

How long does a divorce take?

There is no clear answer for how long your divorce is going to take. Each and every case will be unique, and this means the issues that are involved will vary. If you and your spouse are in agreement over most things, it may be a relatively quick process, but if your divorce is a contested divorce with a lot of disagreement, it will depend on how well your divorce attorney can mediate.

What is the difference between legal separation and divorce?

If couples want to separate for now and make agreements on child custody arrangements and the division of marital assets, you can get a legal separation. This allows you to separate without ending your marriage legally. If you reconcile with your partner, you can continue the marriage.

There are several reasons why a couple might legally separate. One of the most common is because of religious reasons.

If you are unsure which option is the right option for you, get in touch with a member of our team at WSM. We can assist you and talk you through your options.

Contact WSM Today

As a law firm dedicated to women in domestic relations, we can provide capable and reliable legal counsel throughout your divorce or other family law matter. We listen compassionately and take the time to understand the needs of our clients and their children. This allows us to help the women who seek our help achieve a brighter new future.

Part of this process is building an attorney-client relationship that inspires confidence and trust. No matter how overwhelmed you feel and no matter how complex the case, our team is standing by, ready to help.

Contact us today at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation

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