Fishers Divorce Lawyer for Women

A women wearing a white suite, signing papers with a lawyer present.Unraveling two lives that have become so intertwined is incredibly difficult, and it is natural to want it over as quickly as possible. However, the outcome of family law matters such as child custody, property division, and support will have a big impact on your future, so you should take care to ensure that your rights are protected.

Many women do not realize the powerful constitutional rights they have. When you have representation from WSM, an experienced attorney who has your best interests at heart, you’ll be protected and supported. We are committed to educating you on your rights and keeping you involved in every stage so that you can make important decisions with clarity.

Our goal is to empower women to feel secure and confident about their futures, which is why we only work with female clients.

Our divorce attorneys are trained mediators and will help you and your ex-spouse come to agreements when possible. However, we will never compromise on your rights and will always be prepared to represent you in court if necessary.

Our narrow focus – helping women through family law matters in Indiana and Ohio, allows us to provide unparalleled support to women throughout the divorce process.

To arrange a free consultation with a Fisher’s divorce lawyer for women, contact WSM today at 380-212-3731.

Victims of Domestic Violence in Fishers, IN

Thanks to our commitment to the needs of women, we have created a space where they can feel safe to share their experiences. We have worked with many women who have suffered domestic abuse and have the experience and dedication necessary to guide them through family law matters.

It is incredibly difficult to make those initial steps, but when you do, you can rest assured that we will do everything in our power to support you.

The first thing we will do is file for a protection order, which will place a legal obligation on your ex-spouse to stay away from you and your children. At this point, you can work with us with more space and clarity to make decisions. We will help you gather evidence that we can present to the Judge and will ensure that your experiences are considered when determining the outcomes of your divorce decree.

Important Family Law Matters in Your Divorce Decree

Family law matters such as property division and child custody will have a significant impact on your future. When you have support from an experienced divorce attorney, they will take the time to learn what’s important to you and will work to secure the best possible outcome.

Spousal Support

Spousal support, also referred to as alimony, is financial support that one spouse is ordered to pay the other after divorce. Most divorce cases do not result in a spousal support order. However, there are some situations where it could be justified.

Spousal support is usually awarded in situations where one spouse would be left unable to support themselves without the help of their spouse. We have worked with women who have given up careers to care for their children, and we strive to ensure that these sacrifices are considered when judging whether they should be owed spousal support.

If spousal support is awarded, then it is often temporary. For example, it may be awarded for an amount of time that is sufficient for the receiving spouse to undergo education or training to find appropriate employment.

Spousal support can also be indefinite, such as if the receiving spouse is mentally or physically incapacitated or if their child has an incapacity that requires the receiving spouse to forgo work to care for them.

Property Division

Paperwork with a miniature house and keys sitting on it.Property division is one of the most complex matters of any divorce, and the outcome will likely have a significant impact on your financial security.

Indiana is an equitable distribution state, which means that marital property must be split in a just and fair way. A just and fair division of property does not always equate to an equal split.

The first task is to determine what your marital property is. Marital property are all assets that were acquired by either spouse while they were married, including bank accounts, pensions, debt, real estate, and more.

To determine a just and faith division of marital property, the Judge could consider who has primary custody of the children, each spouse’s contributions and ability to earn money, how much separate property each spouse has, and more.

On the other hand, separate property continues to belong to each spouse after marriage. Separate property is all assets acquired by either party before they married, inheritance, and gifts.

An experienced family law attorney will learn what is important to you and help protect the assets that are rightfully yours. If your ex-spouse has tried to hide assets, then they will also ensure that these are factored into your agreement.

Child Custody

If you have children, then child custody is likely to be your biggest concern. Family law decisions must be made based on the child’s best interests, which usually involves a shared parenting plan.

In Indiana, parents are awarded physical and legal custody.

  • Legal Custody – If a parent is granted legal custody, then they have the right to make decisions on their child’s behalf, such as those involving medical care, education, and religion.
  • Physical Custody – If a parent is granted physical custody, then they have the right to spend time caring for their child.

Custody agreements can take many forms, and legal and physical custody can both be shared, or physical custody could be shared whilst one parent retains legal custody.

When it comes to physical custody, it can be granted to both parents equally. Or, one parent may become the primary custodian and live with the child for the majority of the time, and the other parent could be granted visitation rights. This could involve one parent having the child one weekday each week and every other weekend. This arrangement could help create stability for the child.

Physical custody is always shared unless one parent loses their parental rights. This only happens in cases where one parent poses a risk to their child’s wellbeing, in which case the other parent could have sole custody.

Your Fishers divorce lawyer will help ensure that the agreement that is reached is in the best interests of your child.

Child Support

Parents have rights to their children, but they also have responsibilities, such as ensuring that their financial needs are met. If one parent is the primary custodian, then usually the other parent will need to pay them child support. Child support could be used to pay for housing, medical care, education, toys, food, and more.

Once a child support order is issued in Indiana, it is usually in place until the child turns 19. However, if the child has ongoing needs, such as a mental or physical disability, then support payments could be ordered indefinitely.

What Our Divorce Lawyers in Fishers, IN Can Do For You

Divorce proceedings are challenging, and it is important you have support from a Fishers divorce attorney who is skilled in both mediation and litigation.

Mediation is used to help you and your ex-spouse come to agreements on key issues. This is an important stage in the process as it helps protect important family dynamics, allows for personalized arrangements, and saves time and money on court costs.

Any agreements you do come to using mediation will need to be approved by a Judge, who will determine whether they are in line with family law.

If mediation is not possible, or if there are any lingering issues, then you will need to attend hearings so that the Judge can make the final decisions. It is, therefore, important that your attorney is a skilled litigator and is able to fight for your interests throughout.

At WSM, our Fishers divorce lawyers are skilled mediators and litigators. We pride ourselves on our ability to support women through even the most complex issues, such as high-value marital assets, high-conflict divorces, or complex custody matters.

We believe in the importance of empowering our clients with knowledge of their rights and will guide you through every stage. We will be prompt to answer your queries or even just lend a sympathetic ear when you need it.

Fishers Divorce Lawyer For Women, FAQ

You have a right to divorce without an attorney. However, considering the far-reaching implications of your divorce decree, such a decision should be made with due care.

If you do not have any children or high-value assets, and you and your ex-spouse are on all key issues, then a do-it-yourself divorce could be an option for you. However, you should, at the very least, take advantage of a free consultation so that you can get some initial legal assistance.

In Indiana, couples do have the option to legally separate rather than divorce. Legal separation is where you stay legally married to your spouse but still come to an agreement on key issues such as property division and child custody.

Some of the main reasons couples choose a legal separation are because they hope to reconcile, for religious reasons, or to retain health insurance. However, there are important implications to consider before making the decision to legally separate, including financial implications.

At WSM, we can help you determine which option is right for you and can guide you regardless of the avenue you take.

Once you file for divorce, there is a mandatory 60-day waiting period. Therefore, the minimum amount of time for a divorce is two months. However, if there are contested issues, then it is common for divorce to take over a year. An experienced divorce attorney will help things to keep moving forward at a steady rate without compromising your needs.

Many mothers who receive child support payments rely on them to provide for their children. Therefore, missed payments are incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, they do not disappear, and your ex-spouse will need to pay you eventually, often with interest.

There is legal action you can take against your ex-spouse. However, the first step should be to try and mediate. A family law lawyer can help you and your ex-spouse come to an agreement so that they can pay you back in a way that is manageable for them.

If an agreement cannot be reached, or your ex-spouse refuses to negotiate then, your attorney can help you file contempt proceedings. The Judge can garnish their wages or even threaten a jail sentence to make them pay what they owe you.

No, child support and visitation are separate, and you cannot punish your spouse by refusing access to your child. The court will not look favorably on you if you do this, and you could also be guilty of contempt of a court order. Instead, it is important to enlist legal help.

Once a divorce decree has been issued, it is legally binding. However, sometimes the obligations no longer serve you or your children. Unfortunately, you cannot simply stop adhering to the terms of your decree. Instead, you need to file for a modification.

Our law firm also offers post-divorce support, and if something needs to be changed, we will help you demonstrate to the Judge why you need something changed. In order for them to approve the change, you will need to show that there has been a substantial change in circumstances.

You or your spouse must be a resident of Indiana in order to file for divorce. Evidence of residency could include being registered to vote, having a driver’s license, or paying state taxes.

If you or your ex-spouse are in the military and have been stationed in Indiana for six months or more, then this also allows you to file for divorce in the state.

No, both parents are viewed as equal under the law, and all decisions are made based on the child’s best interests.

We are happy to be female-led, and if you have a preference for working with a female attorney, then we will happily accommodate. Our attorneys each have a unique set of skills, and we will assign the woman most suited to your case.

Divorce can take a long time, and it is common for divorcing spouses to need guidance on important issues such as child custody while they wait for it to finalize.

Your Fishers divorce lawyer can help you request temporary orders which will place obligations on you and your ex-spouse. Usually, these orders are in place until your divorce decree is issued.

Speak to One of Our Fishers Divorce Lawyers Today

It is important that you have support from an attorney who is attuned to your needs. Women experience the world differently, and when faced with divorce, there are unique challenges they face. Women are often overwhelmingly concerned for their children and may be anxious about their financial security, as well as the reaction from friends and family.

At WSM, we are the only law firm in the central Indiana area to represent women exclusively. We understand the struggles that women face and are committed to providing exceptional support that is tailored to their needs.

Contact us at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced divorce attorney.

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