Novi Female Divorce Lawyer

Novi Female-led Divorce Attorneys Fearlessly Fighting for Women 

A mom spending time with her daughter outside.At WSM, we take pride that our firm is majority female, representing a rare occurrence in the legal industry. We understand some women prefer to work with other women, and we strive to provide the highest level of care and dedication to all our clients.

Our ultimate goal is to empower the women we work with and guide them through the complexities of divorce so that they can transition to a new life with confidence.

We strongly believe that knowledge is power and we begin the divorce process by educating our clients about their legal rights. By understanding their rights, we can better determine what our clients need and develop personalized solutions to meet their needs.

Divorce is an emotionally challenging experience for women, particularly with concerns about children and financial stability. At WSM, we always prioritize the best interests of the children involved while advocating for our clients.

We have experience handling a wide range of family law matters and are well-equipped to handle even the most complex cases. We will prioritize negotiation, but will always be prepared to advocate on our client’s behalf in the courtroom.

Contact our law offices at 380-212-3731 to schedule your free consultation with a Novi female divorce lawyer.

Meet Our Novi Female Divorce Attorneys

Divorce law is complex and emotional. It is essential that you have the support of an experienced divorce attorney who can advocate for your rights in legal issues such as child custody, child support, property division, and spousal support.

At WSM, our female attorneys are highly experienced in divorce law and are committed to meeting your needs. We will guide you through the entire process and will be there to lend a sympathetic ear when you need it.

Some of the female attorneys at our law firm include:

Maddy Hazek- Head of Detroit Office

Maddy HazekOur Detroit office is headed by attorney Maddy Hazek. Maddy has been practicing family law since she graduated from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. She belongs to the Family Law section of both the Oakland County Bar Association and Michigan Bar.

Madd has a passion for helping women and families, which has led her to work in guiding women through divorces, child custody cases, and post-judgment modifications.



Katie Woodford – Managing Partner

Attorney Katie Woodford is one of the founding members of our law firm, which was founded on the shared goal of wanting to do more to support women through family law matters.

Katie has been dedicated to family law throughout her entire career and her dedication to women has shone throughout. She has a wealth of experience in even the most complex divorce cases, including those involving high conflict and significant assets. Although she is a skilled mediator, she is also a fierce litigator and has represented many women in complex court cases.

Natalie McGee – Managing Partner

Another founding member of our law firm is attorney Natalie McGee, who shares a passion for helping women understand family law so that they can transition into a bright future.

Natalie has a particular passion for helping women who have suffered abuse. She understands the dedication and compassion that these cases require and knows how to set boundaries so that an abusive spouse cannot control a situation. Natalie has been immersed in courtroom dynamics throughout her career and is a fierce advocate for her clients in the courtroom. She also serves as Marsy’s Law Attorney to victims of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence

Abuse is never acceptable, whether it is physical, emotional, or financial. Leaving an abusive spouse is incredibly difficult and you may be scared of how your spouse will react and how you will navigate the process.

At WSM, our dedication to women has meant that many women have felt comfortable coming to us for help in marriages involving abuse. We recognize the level of dedication and empathy needed to handle these cases, and we will provide comprehensive guidance throughout the entire process.

The first thing we can help you do is to file a protection order which will prevent your spouse from contacting you or your children. By doing so, you will have the time and space necessary to navigate your divorce and make critical decisions that will have long-lasting consequences for your future.

We can then work with you to collect evidence and present it to a Judge so that they are aware of your experiences and consider them in every decision that they make regarding your divorce.

It is difficult to take those first steps, but with the help of our law firm, you know that you have an attorney by your side who truly cares and has the experience and resources necessary to support you. We want you to be able to transition to a bright and better future, and we will do everything in our power to facilitate that.

How Long Does Divorce Take in Novi, MI?

In Michigan, there is a mandatory waiting period of sixty days for divorce, and six months if there are minor children involved. That means that when you file for divorce, it will be at least sixty days before it is finalized. However, most divorces take a lot longer. This is because it takes a long time to formulate a parenting plan, divide property, and resolve all the other issues in your divorce.

A Judge may also waive the six-month waiting period when there are minor children involved in certain situations, such as in cases involving abuse.

What Happens While We Wait For Our Divorce to Finalize?

In the meantime, couples may need guidance on who cares for the children, and other matters such as who pays the bills, who remains in the marital home, and whether spousal support will be paid.

Your divorce attorney can help you request temporary orders, which will give you guidance on these issues. These orders are not permanent but are usually in place until the divorce has been finalized. Their outcome is also important because the Judge will try to maintain continuity in a child’s life where possible. Therefore, the outcome of temporary orders could influence the Judge’s final decisions.

Property Division in Novi, MI

Michigan is an equitable distribution state. That means that marital property must be split in a just and fair way. Property division is a highly complex process and requires an attorney to ensure that your rights are protected and your future is secured.

The first thing that your attorney will help you do is determine your separate property. Your separate property is any assets that you entered the marriage with. This property will continue to belong to you after the marriage ends. If you were gifted or inherited assets as an individual during the marriage, this could also be considered separate property.

Marital property is everything else, which is any assets that you or your spouse acquired while you were married. Marital property is subject to just and fair division, including debt, bank accounts, pensions, investments, real estate, and more.

When deciding what is just and equitable, many factors can be taken into consideration, such as the contributions of each spouse, how much separate property each spouse has, who has primary care of the children, and more.

Child Custody in Novi, MI

In Michigan, parents are awarded legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody is the right to make decisions on behalf of your child, including where they live, what school they go to, and where they receive medical care. A joint legal custody arrangement would allow both parents to cooperate in decision-making in the child’s life, and a sole legal custody arrangement would give this power to just one parent.

Physical custody is the time that each parent has with the child as their caregiver. Judges usually prefer to award joint-physical custody arrangements. However, that does not always mean an equal division of parenting time.

Often, one parent will become the custodial parent who the child will live with most of the time, while the non-custodial parent will adhere to a visitation schedule. A common visitation schedule is one weekday evening each week and weekends on a bi-weekly basis.

Child’s Best Interests

As per state law, family law decisions are made based on the child’s best interests. It is generally considered in the child’s best interests if both parents play a role in the child’s life, which is why some form of joint arrangement may be granted.

However, if one parent has taken on most of the parental responsibilities until this point, then the court may look to maintain this. This is because the court will try to maintain stability in the child’s life as much as possible, which may mean keeping them close to friends and community and fostering a life that keeps their normal routine in place.

There are situations where a sole custody arrangement will be put in place. However, this is only if it is in the child’s best interests, meaning that the other parent who is not granted custody poses a risk to their child’s well-being. If you believe you should be granted sole custody, it is essential to speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. They will help you prove your claims to a Judge.

The Judge will need to be presented with clear and convincing evidence if they are to deny a parent their custody rights. Even when risk can be proven, the Judge may order supervised visitation, which you will need to facilitate.

At WSM, we are highly skilled in child custody cases and will help support you to establish an arrangement that serves your child’s best interests.

Child Support Payments

In Novi, it is the responsibility of both parents to financially support their children. When one parent assumes the role of the primary caregiver, the other parent may be obligated to pay child support to them. These payments can be used for any expenses related to the child’s upbringing, including housing, food, clothing, and entertainment.

Generally, child support ends when the child reaches 18 or 19.5 years, depending on how old they are when they finish high school. Child support could also be ordered indefinitely if the child has a mental or physical incapacity that prevents them from being financially independent.

Spousal Support Payments

During or after the divorce process, one spouse may be required to make spousal support payments to the other. This ensures that both spouses can meet their financial needs during and after the divorce. However, spousal support is typically not a long-term solution, and the amount and duration will vary depending on the specifics of each case.

For some women who have put their careers on hold to raise their children, temporary spousal support provides them with the opportunity to pursue education or employment and become financially self-sufficient.

In certain cases, a permanent spousal support order may be granted. This is typically reserved for couples who are separating after a long-term marriage, and one spouse cannot achieve financial independence due to health, age, or disability.

Novi Divorce Lawyer For Women FAQs

Michigan allows for separate maintenance, which is known as legal separation in other states. Separate maintenance allows you and your spouse to separate while remaining legally married. You can get court orders on issues such as child custody and property division, but if you decide to reconcile, then you can do so at any time.

Divorcing couples may choose this option for religious reasons, to maintain insurance benefits, or for other personal reasons. However, before you make that choice, it is important that you understand all the implications for your future.

For example, you cannot remarry during separate maintenance, and there may be financial consequences. At WSM, we can guide you through separate maintenance or divorce and will advise you on your options so you can make an informed choice.

No. All family law decisions involving children must be made based on the child’s best interests and not on gender bias. The court will consider who has taken on most of the parental responsibilities in the past, such as caring for their child, attending school events, and arranging doctor’s appointments.

In Michigan you have a right to divorce without legal representation, this is known as a do-it-yourself divorce. However, you should know a divorce decree is legally binding. This means that the outcome of your divorce will have an enormous impact on your future, including your financial standing, and how much time you spend with your children.

Therefore, it is important that you do everything in your power to protect your rights and to serve the best interests of your children, and the best way to do this is with the help of an experienced divorce lawyer.

Michigan is a no-fault divorce state, which means you can divorce on the grounds that there has been an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage. In Michigan, you cannot file for an at-fault divorce, which means you cannot place blame on either party for the breakdown of the marriage in the initial filing.

In Michigan, the cost of hiring a lawyer depends on the complexity of your case and the number of contested issues. At our law firm, we offer a free consultation which gives you a chance to understand how our fee structure works before you agree to representation.

Usually, each spouse is required to pay their own lawyer fees. However, if your spouse earns significantly more than you, or if they have been abusive, then the Judge may order them to cover some of your costs.

Usually, each spouse is required to pay their own lawyer fees. However, if your spouse earns significantly more than you, or if they have been abusive, then the Judge may order them to cover some of your costs.

No. The majority of divorce cases do not go to trial. Instead, spouses work with their attorneys to negotiate a settlement which will then be approved by a Judge. This is because if a divorce case goes to trial, it is time-consuming and costly and it results in the Judge having the final say on the issues of your divorce, taking away your autonomy.

At WSM, our attorneys are highly skilled in negotiation and will help you and your spouse reach amicable decisions wherever possible. However, if a trial is necessary, we will be prepared to present your case to a Judge.

Speak to One of Our Family Law Attorneys Committed to Helping Women Today!

At WSM, we believe that empowering women to feel confident and secure in their lives after divorce begins with educating them about their legal rights. By equipping you with this knowledge, we hope to provide you with the peace of mind and necessary tools to make important decisions. We will be your advocate throughout the entire negotiation and court hearing process, guiding you every step of the way.

Our goal is to assist you with mediating important matters, where possible. This approach saves time and money on court proceedings and also allows for tailored arrangements while trying to preserve your relationship with your ex-spouse.

Even if you harbor negative feelings towards your ex-spouse, continued cooperation may be necessary, particularly if you have children together. In situations where mediation is unsuccessful, we will fiercely advocate for you in court and present your case in the most compelling way possible.

We take pride in our approach, which involves an extensive discovery process, a deep understanding of the law, expert testimony, and keeping you, the client, engaged throughout the entirety of your case. This approach sets us apart from others. Our team of female divorce lawyers is committed to providing holistic support and guiding you every step of the way, no matter where your case leads us.

Contact us today at 380-212-3731 to schedule a free consultation with a skilled divorce lawyer today.

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