Cincinnati Family Law Firm for Women

Family Law Lawyer for Women in Cincinnati

Attorney shaking hands with his client.As the only law firm in Cincinnati, OH, to focus exclusively on women’s rights, WSM is uniquely attuned to the needs of women in family law cases.

Our Cincinnati family law lawyers understand that your legal representation should work with your best interest at heart. Therefore, we strive to provide the best solutions to complicated issues while striving to limit the stress placed on you and your family.

Our family law firm is committed to the women we work for and strive to empower them to feel confident in their lives after divorce. Whether you need a mediator or an attorney who will fight fiercely for your rights. We are here for you.

If you are looking for a family law lawyer who is compassionate and knowledgeable, one that fiercely advocates for their clients, you have come to the right place.

Remember, how you settle family law issues could affect you and your family for the rest of your life, so it is essential that you secure quality representation.

Contact WSM today at (380)212-3731 and arrange a free consultation with a family law attorney who can provide the highest quality legal services.

Dealing With Family Law Issues in Ohio

Family law issues such as divorce, child custody, high-asset divorce, spousal support, and child support are challenging to navigate.

At WSM, we have our client’s best interests at the heart of everything we do. For most people, that means moving legal matters along quickly in the most streamlined way possible.

That is why we offer mediation and negotiation so that you can settle matters outside of the courtroom using the collaborative law process. At the same time, if you cannot come to agreements with your ex-spouse, then we are prepared to fight for your rights in court.

Mediation has many benefits. It will save you time and money and can help protect children from the divorce process.

The Divorce Process in Cincinnati, Ohio

Facing divorce can feel overwhelming, as there are a lot of steps involved. Fortunately, a family law attorney can guide you through the process and take away some of the stress. The process can take as little as four months if there are no contested issues, but it is common for divorces to take much longer, sometimes up to two years.

Domestic Violence

If you or your children have suffered domestic violence at the hands of your spouse, then you need an attorney who understands.

At WSM, we can help get you to a place of safety and will work to protect you by securing an order from the court to keep your partner away from you and your children. If you are in immediate danger, then call 911 or the Ohio Domestic Violence Network at 1-800-934-9840.

Decide Whether You Can Get Divorced

A woman and man sit separated while she looks at her wedding ring considering divorce.In order to file for divorce in Ohio, you must have lived in Ohio for at least six months. You or your spouse must have also lived in the county where you wish to file for at least 90 days.

Finally, if you are pregnant, then although you can start the process for divorce, you will not be able to finalize it until after the baby is born.

Gathering Documents

In order to file for divorce, you will need to submit the proper documentation to the court. One party must file a Complaint for Divorce with the court; this will contain information such as finances and grounds for divorce. If both parties are in agreement, then the complaint can be filed jointly.

It is important to make sure all your paperwork will is in order. this will streamline the divorce process. It could look bad if anything is incorrect and you and your partner disagree on any issues.

Of course, your Cincinnati family law attorney will help you with all paperwork and ensure everything is in order and filed on time.

Divorce Papers Are Served

If you file for a divorce individually, then your spouse will be served the divorce papers. They will then need to submit an Answer and Counterclaim.

Temporary Orders

If you asked for temporary orders, which address certain family law matters before the divorce is finalized, i.e., child support, your spouse has 14 days to respond.

If they fail to respond, you will usually be granted your request. If your case is particularly complex, the court may schedule a hearing to decide what the temporary orders should be.


You and your spouse will need to attend a pre-trial hearing, where you will need to bring information about your income, property, expenses, and debts. You will tell the judge what you agree on and what you don’t.

If you agree on all terms, then you can submit your plan to the acting judge for approval.

However, you will need to prove grounds for divorce which can involve presenting evidence, including witnesses.

More often than not, there are areas of contention, in which case the court will tell you when your next hearing will be. The number of hearings depends on how many issues you disagree on.

A family law attorney at WSM can help you minimize court involvement and costs.

Finalize the Divorce

If you and your ex-spouse agree on all terms, then the judge will consider your written agreement and will either approve or deny it.

If there are disagreements, then the judge will need time to review the evidence and make decisions based on Ohio law.

Your divorce is finalized when the judge approves the divorce, and a signed “Judgment Entry for Divorce” is filed with the court.

Divorce Considerations

A Cincinnati family law lawyer at WSM can help guide you through all matters, including property division, child custody, and other family law issues. Our legal team understands the unique challenges that women face and are the best people to support you.

Spousal Support/Alimony

One family law issue that has a big impact on the future of our clients is alimony. Usually, the higher-earning spouse will be ordered to pay alimony to the other to ensure that they can maintain the same standard of living after their divorce.

WSM will help to make sure that all of your spouse’s assets are taken into account. We will also ensure that the court considers if you relinquished job opportunities to care for a home or children.

Property Division

Property division is another important legal issue that can help secure your future.
WSM can help you gather strong evidence and secure your financial situation. This is especially important in cases involving high-value assets or income from self-owned businesses.

Anything a couple attains during the course of a marriage is marital property. Ohio is an equitable distribution state, which aims to divide marital property in a fair and just manner. This does not always mean a 50/50 split. The court will consider each spouse’s needs, the primary caregiver of any children, how much each spouse contributed, and the length of the marriage.

Separate property is the property that belonged to each party before marriage or was inherited. This will continue to belong to each individual after the divorce.

Child Support

Both parents are required to financially contribute to their children in Ohio. The judge will consider the amount each parent earns to determine how much they need to contribute.

Usually, the highest earner will pay child support to the other unless they are the primary custodian. Our Cincinnati family lawyers will help you secure the best possible child support arrangement.

Child Custody

Child custody is often one of the most contested legal issues for unmarried parents. At WSM, the children are always our priority, and we will help you secure an arrangement that works for your family.

In Ohio, the court will decide the Allocation of Parental Rights and Responsibilities based on the child’s best interests. We can help you and your ex-spouse to come to an agreement that the court is likely to approve.

Family Law Matters Post-Divorce

At WSM, we go beyond divorce and help our clients with family law matters such as modifications and contempt proceedings.

Divorce Modification

Divorce decrees are legally binding. However, they can be changed if your circumstances have significantly changed. Justifications include illness, change of income, hidden assets, and relocation.

Contempt Proceedings

If your ex-spouse is in breach of any matters decided upon in your divorce decree, then you can file a contempt proceeding. The court can seize property or even put them in jail if they don’t comply.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a divorce cost in Ohio?

The cost of divorce in Cincinnati, OH, varies widely and depends on the number of contested issues in your case. By using mediation, we strive to keep costs down for our clients. We can discuss the costs of your individual case in your free consultation.

If your ex-spouse earns significantly more, the court may order them to reimburse your costs.

What if my spouse does not want the divorce?

Your spouse is able to contest the divorce. But as long as you have proper grounds for divorce, you may continue. A divorce lawyer can help you evidence proper grounds for divorce so that your case can keep moving forward.

Can I be represented by another woman?

WSM is proud to be female-led. We understand that some of our clients feel more comfortable speaking to a woman.

Our legal team is comprised primarily of women, and you can request to be represented by one of our highly skilled female attorneys if that is your preference.

Hari Sathappan, a male managing partner on our team, has dedicated his life to helping women navigate their lives with confidence after divorce. He is highly respected in family law and was elected to the Ohio State Bar Association Council of Delegates, an esteemed legal professional association.

Contact WSM Today in Cincinnati, OH!

We are collaborative professionals who will provide the legal guidance you need to streamline your divorce and secure the best possible outcome for your future.

No other law firm in Cincinnati, OH, matches our dedication to women. We are the only local law firm that solely represents women, which gives us a clear advantage when it comes to supporting our clients.

We have the skills, experience, and resources to help you navigate your divorce or post-divorce case, no matter the complexity.

Contact us today at (380)212-3731 to schedule a free consultation.

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